Brace Yourselves, Because the Internet of Things Is Coming

with Amy DeMartine
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2015

The Internet of Things is coming! The Internet of Things is coming!

Wait...what is the Internet of Things (IoT), and how does it affect the services you support for your business? In this HDI vChapter webinar, Forrester senior analyst Amy DeMartine will talk you through this new connected world, explaining how the IoT is already affecting businesses today, what industries are going to be affected, and what to make of all the hype. Learn how to brace yourselves for a change that will affect services and require you to shift your business enablement.

This HDI vChapter meeting and webinar event is for HDI members only. With discounts on conferences, events, training, and certification, and access to industry reports and publications, networking opportunities, online discussion forums, webcasts, and more, HDI membership provides you and your organization with innumerable benefits and incredible value. Join today!

About Our Speaker(s)

Senior Analyst

Amy DeMartine is a senior analyst on Forrester's service delivery team, which serves I&O and service support and delivery professionals. Amy's current research is on the strategy, design, organization, and implementation of modern service delivery, created through methods such as DevOps and resulting in continuous delivery. She has more than twenty years of experience in product management, product and technical marketing, development, and operations. Her previous work at BMC and HP included the development of strategic positioning to bring new enterprise software products to worldwide markets, as well as expanding the global reach of existing products. Amy has great strength in building strong relationships and collaborating with vendors, clients, and teams worldwide. Amy received her MA in telecommunications and her BS in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Colorado.

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