Full width section is H2

Subheader is H3

Follow the formatting of the elements below EXACTLY. That includes the left alignment, weight, class names. You can put in a different order, but do not change or add classes of any kind. All of this follows the style guide.

This is a link

2 column section -H2 spans both cols

Subheader is H3

Put your content here

This is a link

Subheader is H3

Put your content here

This is a link

30/70 section -H2 spans both cols

30% Subheader is H3

70% Subheader is H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link

70/30 column section- H2 spans both cols

70% Subheader is H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing. Pie dessert jelly-o icing macaroon gingerbread. Cotton candy gingerbread cupcake biscuit.

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing. Pie dessert jelly-o icing macaroon gingerbread. Cotton candy gingerbread cupcake biscuit.

30% Subheader is H3

3 columns section H2 spans all 3 cols

Col1 -Subheader is an H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link

Col2 -Subheader is an H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link

Col3 -Subheader is an H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link

4 columns section H2 spans all 4 cols

Col1 -Subheader is an H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link

Col2 -Subheader is an H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link

Col3 -Subheader is an H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link

Col4 -Subheader is an H3

Put your content here

Cake cheesecake danish pastry I love macaroon topping cake icing.

This is a link

Full width with table

Subheader H3

# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Full width purple section H2

Subheader H3

Put your content here

This is a link

Marshmallow cheesecake apple pie. Pudding sweet chocolate cake croissant cookie chocolate bar. Powder chocolate bar cheesecake jelly beans brownie chocolate bar.

Full width green section H2

Subheader H3

Put your content here

This is a link

Marshmallow cheesecake apple pie. Pudding sweet chocolate cake croissant cookie chocolate bar. Powder chocolate bar cheesecake jelly beans brownie chocolate bar.

Full width white section H2

Subheader H3

Put your content here

This is a link

Marshmallow cheesecake apple pie. Pudding sweet chocolate cake croissant cookie chocolate bar. Powder chocolate bar cheesecake jelly beans brownie chocolate bar.

Full width teal section H2

Subheader H3

Put your content here

This is a link

Marshmallow cheesecake apple pie. Pudding sweet chocolate cake croissant cookie chocolate bar. Powder chocolate bar cheesecake jelly beans brownie chocolate bar.

Full width gray section H2

Subheader H3

Put your content here

This is a link

Marshmallow cheesecake apple pie. Pudding sweet chocolate cake croissant cookie chocolate bar. Powder chocolate bar cheesecake jelly beans brownie chocolate bar.

Full width orange section H2

Subheader H3

Put your content here

This is a link

Marshmallow cheesecake apple pie. Pudding sweet chocolate cake croissant cookie chocolate bar. Powder chocolate bar cheesecake jelly beans brownie chocolate bar.