If you’ve been a support center manager for more than ten minutes, you’ve probably been faced with the question, “How is your team doing?” Because of the role they play, support organizations are often large and/or highly visible. As a result, senior IT leadership wants to understand the return...
Tag(s): leadership, metrics and measurements, performance management
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016


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In this webinar, HDI’s senior writer/analyst, Roy Atkinson, will showcase new data from the 2016 Desktop Support Practices & Salary Survey. This data, previously...

Tag(s): webinars, supportworld, desktop support, research, benchmarking
Date Published - Last Updated October 25, 2016

Major incidents resulting from change is one of the most effective metrics in your collection because it shows the service level impact of the changes being executed. It isn’t a measure of system failures; it’s a measure of departmental failures. It holds teams accountable for the impact they...
Tag(s): change management, metrics and measurements
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

RedSeal Networks provides proactive enterprise security management solutions that continually assess and fortify organizations’ cyberdefenses while automating compliance. Its engineers provide global, round-the-clock support, troubleshooting any obstacles to the analysis and improvement of...
Tag(s): continual service improvement, security management, metrics and measurements, customer service
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

In any service and support situation, the relationship between service providers and consumers is mechanically bounded by the service terms and conditions and a set of agreeable payment terms. What’s often missing in outsourcing-based provider-consumer relationships is a set of business rules...
Tag(s): cloud computing, outsourcing, business intelligence
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

So…how are your metrics? Do you need a benchmarking warm-up? Well, there’s no time like the present. Let’s get cracking!
Tag(s): benchmarking, metrics and measurements
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

Manufacturing, financial, retail, and pharmaceutical companies have long used predictive analytics for everything from anticipating parts shortages to calculating credit scores. But across industries, the software can also warn IT organizations about potential system failures before they affect...
Tag(s): metrics and measurements, technology
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

Reporting is like food. Some dishes are simple, requiring few ingredients; some are more complex, requiring more (and more unique) ingredients. We all have our own flavor preferences. IT reporting is much the same. Depending on your department and your management’s desires, your business’s...
Tag(s): technology, reporting-and-analytics, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

One of the greatest inventions since the leaf blower is the help desk ticketing system. By tracking calls, these systems preserve solutions to previous problems and they document the number of people you helped in a given period. And that’s just the beginning. Ticketing systems also offer a...
Tag(s): metrics and measurements
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Without clear objectives, metrics are just a pile of numbers. The good is when we beat our targets, the bad is when we fail to hit those targets, and the ugly is when we fail to set challenging objectives. Remember, like baseball, the only thing that really matters in the end is whether or not...
Tag(s): metrics and measurements, performance management, service desk, service delivery
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016