A decade ago, the value of IT certification was straightforward: if support professionals received one, it benefited them, in the pocketbook as well as on the organization chart. However, today, the straight line between certification and a better career has bent. Consequently, techies need to...
Tag(s): certification, value-add, ITSM
Date Published - Last Updated February 28, 2018

The role of IT is rapidly changing, with many organizations seeking to transform the manner in which they design, develop, and manage the provisioning of IT services to customers. In Ten Steps to ITSM Success, we touched on the importance of applying project management principles and...
Tag(s): ITSM, IT service management
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

Corporations want to be quick to market and adaptable to constant change. They want to generate feedback, reduce support calls, and increase velocity. Unfortunately, this is often achieved at the expense of sound security.
Tag(s): security management, change management
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

Securing personal devices requires an in-depth knowledge of not only the unique aspects of mobile devices but also the unique approaches to securing mobile devices that aren’t owned by company. Multiple platforms and multiple mobile device management (MDM) solutions only complicate the BYOD...
Tag(s): byod, security management
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

One of the most important things we’ve learned so far is that ITSM isn’t just about the process and the tools; it’s also about engaging and delighting customers.
Tag(s): case study, service quality
Date Published - Last Updated June 2, 2016

When budgets are tight, it’s important that you spend money on training that builds the skills you need at the levels you need them.
Tag(s): workforce enablement, workforce enablement, training, supportworld, service desk, support center, framework and methodologies, framework
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Overenthusiastic advocates of any initiative often jump into action before thinking things through, but just because one organization saved money by using peer-to-peer support, that doesn’t mean it will work in every organization in the same way.
Tag(s): best practice, community, desktop support, service desk, social networking tools, social IT, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

When the service disruption has been significant, it is often appropriate to send out a communication to the affected users and other stakeholders providing them information about what, when, why, and how the service disruption occurred, along with what was done to restore the service and...
Tag(s): service management, problem management, ITSM, communications skills
Date Published - Last Updated February 23, 2016

The blending of Millenials, Gen Xers, Gen Yers, Baby Boomers and those of us born on the cusp of any of these groupings calls for a level of management expertise with which many are just not equipped.
Tag(s): diversity, knowledge management, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Learn how one organization turned their KCS investment into strategic value with minimum outside help.
Tag(s): service management, KCS, KM, training
Date Published - Last Updated February 23, 2016