Support automation can decrease inaccuracy in areas such as ticket categorization and assignment, and it can streamline processes and reduce human error. In this webinar, Ken Gonzalez, managing partner of Engaged Consulting, Inc., will explore what it takes to automate and why your support...

Tag(s): webinars, automation, support center, support operations, service desk
Date Published - Last Updated July 23, 2015


Most organizations think about communication best practices with reference to major outages, and events, but don’t consider the impact good communication can have on first contact resolution (FConR) and mean time to resolve (MTTR), even in a day-to-day context. Large outages attract a great...

Tag(s): communications skills, best practice, webinars, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated October 13, 2015


With the evolution of ITSM into ESM—enterprise service management—coupled with the increased adoption of cloud-based service management solutions, technical support leaders are planning ahead, doing their research, and gathering the facts they need to build a business case for their next toolset.

Tag(s): service management, webinars, trends, technology, technical support
Date Published - Last Updated September 30, 2015


While it’s true that measures and metrics need to be focused at each of three levels—operational, tactical, and strategic—it’s also true that both operational and tactical measurements need to provide information that can be used at the strategic level. Many of the...

Tag(s): metrics and measurements, business of support, practices and processes, business alignment, business value
Date Published - Last Updated April 19, 2017


Technology never stops evolving. So we’re left with a choice: evolve with it or get left behind. Because of these rapid changes, the technical support world is playing catch-up, trying to meet the demands of the latest litany of industry buzzwords: the cloud,...

Tag(s): support models, technical support, business of support, ITSM
Date Published - Last Updated December 30, 2014

A comprehensive list of Customer Experience information and tools.
Tag(s): customer experience, customer satisfaction, customer-satisfaction-measurement, customer service, business value, crowdsourcing, culture, customer-service-week, customer survey tools, incentives, marketing, outside-in, relationship, self-service, self-service tools
Date Published - Last Updated March 10, 2021

In last week's #HDIchat, we discussed support channels: Which ones are working? Which ones aren't? Which channels have you added recently? Which channels are you considering adding in the future?
Tag(s): hdichat, supportworld, support channels
Date Published - Last Updated December 15, 2016

According to a MetricNet study, 84 percent of end users base their entire perception of IT on the day-to-day interactions they have with technical support. A related finding in recent HDI research on inbound contact channels shows that the channel with the highest customer satisfaction—by far—is...
Tag(s): case study, customer experience, customer service, desktop support, governance, support center
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

Today, outsourced service providers live in a world where customers call the shots. As a customer, you’ve come to expect more than a standard set of services. Instead of one model in one color, you want outsourced services that can be customized to your needs, uniquely branded and themed for...
Tag(s): practices and processes, outsourcing, process management, business of support, sourcing
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

Schools have long offered technology education, taught by specialist computer teachers, typically in dedicated labs, in high schools, middle schools, and even at the elementary level. But today, large and small districts across the country are adopting mobile devices as essential tools, and far...
Tag(s): ITSM, future of support
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016