It’s estimated that well over two billion people are connected to the Internet today. With the explosion of smartphone technology, it’s not hard to imagine that sometime in the next ten years, that number will hit ...
Tag(s): technology, future of support, SaaS, software as a service - SaaS, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

Asset management is a time-consuming task, and larger organizations have a greater need for dedicated toolsets. What features should IT look for when selecting this type of software?
Tag(s): asset management, technology, trends
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

The state of security in 2014 can be summed up in four words: We are falling behind. External breaches are occurring more frequently and becoming more complex, and internal threats have extended beyond malicious employees (past and present) and current employee mistakes to include vendors, who...
Tag(s): technology, trends, security management
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

I have been working with Windows 8 since its earliest beta version, and I love it. That said, I fully understand end users’ resistance to (and sometimes flat-out rejection of) this latest version of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Public and enterprise organizations’ perception of...
Tag(s): trends, virtual desktop infrastructure - VDI, tools
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

KPIs aren't the goal—continual improvement is. Like ITIL itself, continual improvement is a cycle: once you've achieved a target, the cycle begins anew.
Tag(s): best practice, continual service improvement, framework and methodologies, KPI, ITSM, IT service management, practices and processes, reporting, reporting-and-analytics, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Effective communication is one of the most essential business (and life) skills. These seven steps will help you strengthen the transfer of information and prevent communication gaps.
Tag(s): service desk, desktop support, communications skills, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated May 22, 2017

Overenthusiastic advocates of any initiative often jump into action before thinking things through, but just because one organization saved money by using peer-to-peer support, that doesn’t mean it will work in every organization in the same way.
Tag(s): best practice, community, desktop support, service desk, social networking tools, social IT, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

When budgets are tight, it’s important that you spend money on training that builds the skills you need at the levels you need them.
Tag(s): workforce enablement, workforce enablement, training, supportworld, service desk, support center, framework and methodologies, framework
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Personalized support for VIPs can be expensive, but the value tends to outweigh the costs.
Tag(s): customer satisfaction, customer service, desktop support, employee satisfaction, service desk, support center, future of support, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Is this the year the walls around IT and support finally come down, once and for all? There is a well-recognized chasm in many enterprises. On one side are the engineers and support people who keep the organization on the technological cutting edge; on the other is ...
Tag(s): workforce enablement, business of support, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016