A well-designed, highly automated reporting framework that utilizes a balanced approach, effective graphics, clear targets, and real-time and periodic reporting, along with analysis and recommendations, is absolutely essential for IT service management to be effective in delivering quality...
Tag(s): white paper, productivity, practices and processes, metrics and measurements, best practice
Date Published - Last Updated December 30, 2014


In this webinar, HDI 2016 track chair John Custy ("Metrics and Measurements") will present a view into the future of metrics as we move out of the telephone era and into the era of multichannel and analytics, including new trends in metrics and reporting. Discover how service desk...

Tag(s): webinars, supportworld, metrics and measurements, reporting-and-analytics
Date Published - Last Updated November 9, 2015


The time has come for your organization to replace a key piece of technology. Senior management is on board, and money is available. Your frontline staff is thrilled that their tools will be updated. Now what?

Good technology and services cost good money, and tight budgets...

Tag(s): webinars, supportworld, return on investment - ROI, costs
Date Published - Last Updated August 17, 2016

Each year, companies spend tens of thousands of dollars on training that doesn’t deliver measurable results: employees don’t perform better, processes aren’t more efficient than before, communication is still poor, service delivery doesn’t improve, and customers are still dissatisfied. How can...
Tag(s): training, return on investment - ROI, ROI
Date Published - Last Updated March 10, 2021

The service desk is the face of IT, regardless of what technology resources and capabilities are ultimately deployed to deliver services, and we need to change the way we deal with our customers, who are becoming increasingly tech-savvy and demanding more adaptable business solutions. We must...
Tag(s): ITSM, service desk, SLA, service level agreement, service level management
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

Most IT professionals are familiar with the operational metrics of technical service and support: cost per ticket, first contact resolution rate, mean time to resolve—all are well understood and almost universally applied. Yet even support organizations that have mastered these metrics and...
Tag(s): business of support, ROI, return on investment - ROI
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

We all have customers: internal or external, public or private sector, investors or shareholders. Regardless of who our customers are, we need to not only provide them with an excellent product or an exceptional service, we must also ...
Tag(s): customer service, customer-satisfaction-measurement, metrics and measurements, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

Do you ever lay awake at night wondering, “Billy’s my star performer, but what if he doesn’t come in on Monday (again)? Am I going to have enough staff? If I’m short-staffed, how will I cover the workload, projects, and contact volumes?” In my capacity as an instructor for the HDI Support Center...
Tag(s): metrics and measurements, people, workforce enablement
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

If your service desk already has a great set of processes in place, good news: with just a little effort, you can reuse many of those same processes to optimize and improve your knowledge management program! After all, reuse is one of the main principles of Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS)....
Tag(s): KCS, KM, knowledge management, metrics and measurements
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

Supporting Office 365 is no easy task, especially in a university setting with a diverse audience of end users. But the University of New Mexico Information Technologies (UNM IT) is doing just that—and achieving exceptionally high first contact resolution rates, as well as huge growth in the use...
Tag(s): case study, desktop support, first call resolution, infrastructure change management, knowledge management, KM, release management, service desk
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016